Friday, February 3, 2023

The Importance of Exercise for The Elderly

Exercise is something many of us fall off of as we age. However, exercise and staying active is still important for older bodies, too! Whether you are a senior living in Phoenix alone, or in assisted living, there are many ways you can take advantage of the benefits of exercise. 

Reduces Fall Risk

When you exercise consistently, your balance, strength, range of motion, and more are all improved. This can allow you to be able to walk more steadily, and even help you catch yourself if you trip over something. Falls are a significant risk factor for seniors, since many falls require emergency room visits, and even cause irreparable damage. So, do what you can to keep your body moving as a senior; including exercises like yoga, tai chi, walks, and/or other low-impact activities that aren’t too strenuous for what an older body can handle. 

Prevents Muscle Atrophy 

The muscles we don’t use end up atrophied. This means that they shrink and become almost unusable over time. This is why exercise as an elderly person is so important. Atrophied muscles can cause pain and weakness, as well as limit your ability to move around the way you used to. The more range of motion you lose, the harder it will be to do anything. Eventually, without exercise, it can even become exhausting to do the most basic things like go to the restroom, play with grandchildren, prepare food, and much more. Help your body stay reliable by keeping your muscles active and moving as much as you can. 

Improves Mood

Exercise is well-known for releasing those feel-good hormones called endorphins, that boost your mood. This isn’t the only way your mood can be improved by exercise, though. Consistent exercise can also help you sleep better at night, which helps your body get the rest it needs, and keeps your brain out of a tired fog. Exercise is something that impacts just about every part of your life, so do your best to move around in some way, every day. 

MorningStar is guided by a culture rooted in our mission of honoring God, valuing seniors, and investing in our team, which allows us to deliver services with warmth, sincerity and depth of purpose. We have built a reputation for creating true homes filled with an atmosphere of love and community. Please contact us to learn more about the finest memory care and assisted living Phoenix has to offer.

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