There are several good ideas to help you stay connected even when you are not there in person such as facetime or skype video calls. For little ones who can get restless pretty quickly, be ready to read a picture book, sing songs or tell silly stories. Along with calls for birthdays and holidays, be sure to do it often enough so you keep up with their quickly changing developmental milestones. If they are older, play games together, discuss a shared hobby, exchange jokes and riddles, ask questions, and then really listen.
Another way to stay connected is to start a family facebook page. This is an easy, inexpensive way for any family member to post current pictures and to share day-to-day news as well as significant events. It also lets other members add comments. Also do not forget about snail mail. Kids love receiving mail and answering you back is a good way to get them to practice the art of letter writing.
For grandkids who live close by and were used to seeing you several times a week, they may be wondering when they will see you again in person now that you are social distancing. Experts suggest you talk honestly to your grandchildren about the separation and keep reminding them it is only temporary. Tell them you have not forgotten them and that you will keep calling and they can keep calling you.
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